Symbol of escape and rescue

The idea
A "place of thinking and learning" where urgent questions about migration and the causes of migration, about flight and the reasons for flight can be raised and discussed, will take its own place in the further profiling of Nuremberg as a city of human rights .
The Ship for Nuremberg transfers a burning political and ethical issue that has been relegated to the margins of Europe into the heart of our everyday urban life - and thus makes an important contribution to political, cultural and ethical education.
Why this ship in this place?
Nuremberg, city of human rights
Nuremberg has successfully positioned itself as a city of human rights.
Nuremberg as the seat of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is located in Nuremberg and is the federal authority responsible for the implementation of asylum procedures and refugee protection as the competence center for migration and integration in Germany.
Quelle: https://cdn-storage.br.de/MUJIuUOVBwQIbtCCBLzGiLC1uwQoNA4p_29S/_-JS/_2Fy_Abc_U1S/f37594b0-22be-4104-90ad-b224b7159690_E.mp4
A Ship for Nuremberg non-profit GmbH-HRB Nuremberg 39909 is, according to the decision of the Nuremberg Central Tax Office dated January 19, 2022
is authorized to issue donation receipts according to § 60a para. 1 O.
Account details: Sparkasse Nürnberg DE 97 7605 0101 0014 4892 15
E-mail: info@ein-schiff-fuer-nuernberg.de

We support the project...
Hardly any other topic is currently the subject of as much public debate as how to deal with the challenges posed by global refugee and migration movements in our country. In the political arena, well-honed recipes are being discussed from different perspectives, while self-appointed experts are outdoing each other at regulars' tables with daring assessments, while at the same time volunteer refugee helpers are reaching their limits. A fact check reveals profound half-knowledge in many places: Terms are regularly confused, legal rules are abbreviated, statistics are interpreted to suit vested interests and emotions are addressed with verve. More education on the subject is needed! And not only in the city of human rights (with a population share with a migration background of 50.1%*), it could positively promote the discussion and attitude towards this complex topic.
A ship on land as a museum learning space
A ship on land in Nuremberg will initially surprise, arouse interest and curiosity. However, the ship is not self-explanatory and is not primarily a technical-historical object in the urban space, but a testimony to flight and rescue. This transfer is to be achieved by a supplementary exhibition in rooms to be created next to the ship. The Sea-Eye follows in the tradition of numerous ships that have served and continue to serve as escape vehicles since time immemorial. The rescue ship Sea-Eye therefore has a "door-opener" function for dealing with the topics of "flight and migration" in the context of educational work. Both the ship itself as a so-called non-formal learning location with its actual object history and the thematic learning fields associated with it contain a variety of "steep templates" for political and human rights education work.
Flight and migration is and remains an ongoing issue

Source: Screenshot from https://www.uno-fluechtlingshilfe.de/informieren/fluechtlingszahlen
Almost 50% of the inhabitants of Nuremberg have a migration background

Source: OBM_058_2020_Statistical_Annual_Report_for_2019.pdf
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Brief info A ship for Nuremberg
A "place of thinking and learning", where urgent questions about migration and the causes of migration, about flight and the reasons for flight can be raised and discussed, will take its own place in the further profiling of Nuremberg as a city of human rights .
A Ship for Nuremberg gGmbH
Small willow mill 18
D-90419 Nuremberg
E-mail: info@ein-schiff-fuer-nuernberg.de
Mobile: +49(0) 172-8260032
Phone: +49(0) 911-268783
Fax: +49(0) 911-286088
Donation account
DE 97 7605 0101 0014 4892 15
According to the decision of the Nuremberg Central Tax Office dated January 19, 2022, we are entitled to issue donation receipts in accordance with Section 60a (I) O